We need
To talk
Giving the correct answers to those who need them is critical to establishing trust.
With our platform based on Conversational Artificial Intelligence, you can build a chatbot that listens, writes, and learns like a human, especially an intelligent human.

The best stories start with great conversations

8 out of 10 people give 5 stars to interactions with companies using indigo.ai chatbots. Offer the same level of quality conversations and get excellent results.

Our "no code" solution is multichannel - Web, Whatsapp, Email, etc. - and can be integrated with all CRM and ERP platforms and systems.

An AI that integrates seamlessly with the data of your company
An AI that understands at all times how your customers feel.

Chosen by innovators
and industry leaders

Customer questions show their interest in your company

Often, managing conversations with customers minimizes their opportunities for communication while neglecting the quality of care. With indigo.ai, questions stop being a problem and become an asset and a competitive advantage.

Tomorrow is my wedding--the shoes haven't arrived yet. How can I do this? Please help me

I am so sorry!!! I know how stressful wedding planning can be. Let me see what I can do to help you. Can you tell me more about the shoes, such as color, size and brand?

Tomorrow is my father's birthday. I would like to give him something special, what can I buy?

Best wishes to dad! We have lots of items that would make great gifts. If you are looking for something special, I suggest personalizing the gift, "For the Best Dad in the World."

I am struggling to save enough money for a house down payment. What can I do?

You can try setting up an emergency fund, creating a budget and sticking to it, or even setting up automatic transfers to a savings account. You can also try booking an appointment with one of our advisors. They will certainly know how to help you :)

I am planning a surprise vacation for my husband. How can I make it even more special?

How nice! Well, you could arrange a romantic dinner for two at a special restaurant or find an activity to do together like an adventure tour. We have quite a few vacation packages very suitable for such a surprise. In any case, I'm sure your husband will be delighted :)

New message

Don't just answer
Create a relationship

You have the time and the way to establish an honest dialogue, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, thus getting the most out of the conversations.

Show that you listen
It will be a different story

Higher-quality conversations improve the brand's image and positively impact more KPIs than you think.

Read between the lines
Decide on concrete insights

You can know what your customers seek and plan future strategies based on first-party data.

An Artificial Intelligence that loves to chat

Empathetic. It knows how to adapt its responses. Because that's what human beings do.

Empathic. It knows how to adapt responses to the state of mind of those in front of him. Because that's what human beings do.

Accurate. It integrates what it knows with your company's data to give specific information.

Brilliant. It can talk about anything, even the weather. And many other things that seem excessive.